Sunday, March 30, 2008

Building Over Highline

This is a building being built over the highline railroad tracks in nyc. I originally went into the city to look at folding bicycles ( I've decided that I won't be able to afford to pay $4 for gas and I need a viable alternative). I ended up at the 9th st apple store to use their free wifi access to look for bike shops in nyc and decided to check out the Highline rail-line that runs a block or so west of the store. This is the sort of daring architecture that you see in other parts of the world but not often enough in 'the greatest city in the world'.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sweet Priscilla Cafe

Today i stopped at a place called 'sweet Priscilla', a cafe on Jersey ave in Jersey City. The place is a hole-in-the-wall but a small coffee is only $1 and refills are only 50¢! The place has used, mis-matched furniture, etc. But since it's located in downtown Jersey city, it caters to post-graduates who work/live in the new buildings nearby and there is a path station nearby for am easy commute to wall st.